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Sunday, September 8, 2024

The right to asylum continues to kill (us)

By: Gregor Preac

The mayor of Munich has announced that the city is ready to take on all migrants from the Polish border. There are probably over 20,000 of them there and new ones are coming. Lukashenko replied that he was ready to fly them straight to Germany and Munich without stopping in Belarus.

This is the same mayor who half a year ago encouraged the LGBT to bomb the Hungarians at the European Football Championship in Germany during the Germany: Hungary match with anti-Hungarian and anti-Orban photo signals and slogans, but Uefa managed to prevent this politicisation of the sport at least in part!

Lukashenko is a dictator and exploits the Brussels and German madness or the social democratic and liberal dogma of universal and unrestricted right to asylum and globalism, where borders must be open to an endless influx of people who renew and underestimate the existing workforce. And where will the dictator from the southern borders of the EU, Erdogan, now direct the anger of the Turks, or what new will he demand from Brussels? The Turkish lira of over-indebted Turkey, embroiled in wars in Syria and Libya for natural gas in the Mediterranean, is slipping like crazy!

The measures of the Brussels bureaucracy in the case of Belarus, which probably fall under our Commissioner Lenarčič, are, as always, much too late and a new patching nonsense of the apparatchiks. Brussels is colossally announcing that it will blacklist airlines transporting migrants to Belarus. But when? And the Belarusian civil aviation is already under embargo. Belarus has a hinterland and a market in fast-growing Russia, which is practically free of external debt, so all European sanctions and embargoes are a waste of time, a drop in space, sand in the nose and all the other holes!

Criticisms of Poland by Christian countries and organisations

The Polish army at the border is under constant criticism from EU MEPs, the Dutch, Swedish, Luxembourg governments, many Christian religious organisations, and even the Vatican. These are governments or countries that earn hundreds of billions of euros either through the arms industry or through a tax haven and money laundering. The inclusion of 150 British instructors to teach Polish police and soldiers how to deal with the invasion is bizarre because of Brexit, but also because the British themselves do not know how to (non-violently) stop the invasion of French migrants across the Channel, this year almost 30,000. And in all this, the Social Democratic-Liberal Brussels, which considers all people to be zombies, does not want to see that these migrant crises are just moving from Spain to Italy, from Greece to Poland, because we have the wrong axiom with the right to asylum, which, despite all the cultural, intellectual, and economic failures of Islam, drives millions from Islam to Europe.

Clearly, when the migrant crisis in Poland is over, the next invasion may be over Ukraine or over the sea again, this time to France, or the smuggling mafia will buy old planes and drive people from Africa and elsewhere straight to Germany, Sweden, France, threatening to blame Europe for the crashes and deaths of passengers if the nearest airports do not accept them. You cannot land flights like this with military planes or just shoot them down over the sea! There are gathering places for migrants in Agadez in Niger or in Nouadhibou in Mauritania, and it is very easy to fortify or concrete a flight runway in the middle of a desert. The idea was given to me by Brussels itself, when it would like to stop the official airlines. Why would the mafia not repeat the scenario with old ships without an official owner still in the air?

There will be even more of these ways. And I have barely started to think, whereas the smuggling mafia has been doing this for years, earning billions. They are also building corridors across Slovenia with politicians from the left, bribed state apparatus and the police and NGOs. In short, the smuggling mafia is resourceful, fast, smart, non-ideological, non-dogmatic, pragmatic, logical, flexible. Opposite it stands a hardened EU mastodon with legs at the borders and a brain in Brussels. And with eyes that do not want to see. The dinosaur-slow Brussels brain of comfort, splendour and prosperity do not understand the Middle Ages of Islam and why Muslims die with such ease and even enthusiasm in migration, in war, in suicide attacks on markets. The Christmas holidays are close! About this next time if Allah blesses me with another week!

Gregor Preac is a writer, poet, journalist, photographer and traveller.


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