13.1 C
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

The President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces bowed before the revolutionary Stevanović

By: Davorin Kopše

From small grows a lot. This educational wisdom given to us by our parents has been confirmed before our eyes for more than a year and a half. In a negative sense. Protests against the Slovene government began to take place on the streets of Slovenia, especially in Ljubljana, even before the current government took office. The memory tells us that the subversive protesters shouted slogans against the government and its president and coalition partners who were legitimately elected in the democratic elections. From the very beginning, we heard calls for liquidations. Death threats have become part of our daily lives. To date, these events have turned into calls for the violent overthrow of the constitutional order, led by Kranj City Councillor Zoran Stevanović, who according to some sources has support in the criminal underworld, which deals with drug trafficking and other crimes. According to this information, some links even reach the hotbeds of crime in the Balkans.

The new joker of the deep state, who also has the support of the top political parties of the KUL group, is Zoran Stevanović, who became famous for being expelled from the police. Part of the policy that I “cunningly” mention repeats that protests are a right, but they should not be violent, which according to them they are not. After conflicts with the legal order, Stevanović became a city councillor in Kranj, which is still the case today. He was elected along with a few of his pals on a list named after him. Due to his controversy and complex psychological profile, everyone left him soon after the start of his term. He had to leave the Slovenian National Party years ago because, according to the president of that party, Zmago Jelinčič, he was using cocaine.

Stevanović is trying to realise his political ambitions through the corpses that have so far been claimed by the coronavirus epidemic and human diseases. Due to the well-known ambivalent media reports and the constant opposition to the government’s measures, a group of opponents of all measures was formed in Slovenia. The work of this group, led by Stevanović, will undoubtedly require new unnecessary victims. Performers at his rallies are even threatening military courts where they will judge doctors who vaccinate. They would do this in power. However, in Slovenia, with the advent of democracy, we abolished military courts that tried civilians. With the support from the underground, Stevanović is trying to use the messed up state in the work of society to overthrow the government and for a violent takeover of power. For his goals, on September 15th, he organised the first mass protests, which escalated into violence in front of the parliament, where great material damage and bodily injuries to police officers were caused, as well as the blockade of many roads in the center of Ljubljana. At the next protest, as we know, he blocked traffic at the entrance to Ljubljana and part of the northern bypass. Stevanović openly called and still calls for further blockades of roads, which testifies to the deliberate crippling of public life. It is known from history that in this way politicians came to power, who later caused misery and mountains of corpses. Stevanović does not hide his ambition to rise to power in a subversive and violent manner.

President Pahor hosted the revolutionary in the presidential residence

Stevanović, who is directly responsible for the violence on the streets, where they caused material damage to the parliament building, shop windows and cars and blocked road traffic, was received by President Borut Pahor at the presidential residence. The President has given him credibility and detrimental legitimacy in this unacceptable way. The meeting took place on Monday at Stevanović’s initiative. Pahor justified his decision to accept him by saying that dialogue would resolve all disagreements. He had previously said that the first talks may not yield results, so they need to be repeated. With this, he let it be known before the meeting that he did not expect success. He also announced that there would be more talks.

At this reasonably unacceptable meeting, Stevanović refused in advance to wear a protective mask, which is mandatory indoors. Given his announcement that he would not wear the mask at any cost, he was not even required to use the mask. The President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Slovenian Armed Forces also symbolically showed and proved that he has no pride and upright posture and that he is a soft-spoken politician. We have seen many times in the past that he has views most often only when others are shaping them. So it was at the beginning of the epidemic, as he walked around the endangered nursing homes, where he waved to them from the backyards, and they crowded to wave back at him.

The attempt of Pahor and his advisor Šefic failed

At a meeting with the President of the Republic, Stevanović asked him to call on the government to resign, and Pahor asked Stevanović to organise his rallies so as not to disturb the lives and work of other people in the country. At the same time, the world is already upside down for Stevanović to demand and the President to ask. Instead of being the other way around. As expected, the arbitrary and stubborn revolutionary Stevanović rejected the president’s request. The president also rejected Stevanović’s request, confirming the thesis that the meeting was not a politically wise decision. The decision depended solely on the President. And it failed. As expected.

After Pahor’s meeting with Stevanović, the latter announced that he would continue to organise protests. He moved them from Wednesday to Tuesday this week. Among other things, he mentioned that the authorities in the Republic Square do not hear them enough and at their request the government does not want to resign, so protests will take place in other places as well. Among other things, he mentioned Brdo pri Kranju, where the two-day EU Summit on the Western Balkans began on Tuesday. If he managed to hinder the work in connection with Slovenia’s presidency of the EU, this would mean the internationalisation of his violent actions. Namely, he would carry out his activities in front of the eyes of the whole of Europe.

Thus, while representatives of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia are meeting with important representatives from the Council within the Slovenian Presidency of the Council of the EU, the President of the Republic is meeting with an obvious violator of the Public Assemblies Act and a number of other normative acts. In addition, the protests are apparently organised for the purpose of overthrowing the constitutional order of the state, and the President of the Republic has given them legitimacy by invitation. We could not even imagine that before the event.

An experienced politician was fooled

In the current term, we have a President of the Republic with many years of political experience. He was a member of the National Assembly, a Member of the European Parliament, a Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia and has been the President of the Republic for the second term. That he indulged in such a severe slip cannot be a coincidence. The question whether he is sovereign and independent in his work at all, which he should definitely be as president seems appropriate to me. Perhaps, however, this time he was deliberately stumbled upon by personal advisers. The tentacles of the deep state are strong and penetrating. We can be sure of this at every step. Even some doctors tell us that the virus does not exist, and schools are reluctant to promote scientific findings about this same deadly virus. Moreover, the hardened arbitrariness of justice rooted in the Iron Curtain era refuses to be activated and, in accordance with the law, to stop violent madness.

Ever since the World Wide Web has existed, various professions have constantly advised us not to believe everything that is found there. However, many people there are looking for diagnoses for their problems. In recent years, the social networks are the most striking, where we even find claims that they install antennas in us through vaccination, which turns us into virtual people. They are convincing us that harmful and malicious societies formed on the basis of evident nebulae are worthy of consideration. These supposedly have infinite rights. Even standing at the same time where someone else is standing. Please do not tell me that our president was fooled with all of this or that he is even part of it. Please do not blindfold me/us as this will not stop my/our thinking.

Davorin Kopše is a veteran of the war for Slovenia, a candidate for the European Parliament, and an active citizen.


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