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Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The costliness is the problem, not the shoes!

By: Dr Stane Granda

The change of government is still a shock to Slovenian society. The last especially, because it followed an unexpected election victory and the previously unseen arrogance of the winners. After the great successes of the previous government, which did not only save the country as such, as with Zujf, but the citizens, in fact an incredible balance was achieved between one and the other, the election pole followed.

Raising an exceptional personal and social standard for Slovenians is not a value! It is not so much opportunism, a typical example of which is the people who watched Hitler’s visit to Maribor with tears in their eyes and then the march of the Partisan army, but something worse. It is reminiscent of the dominance of the consumerist mentality, when people flock to the sales and buy what they see. Complete irrationality. Why? A consequence of social transition; we know similar cases from other former communist countries, or even worse. When we cannot explain things, we say that the causes are complex.

The undifferentiated attitude towards the new government is shown by the reactions to the dancing of the President of the Parliament in front of the honour guard and flags at the recent central celebration of the national holiday. It is easy to agree with the one who wonders if everything is fine with another man’s “attic” in the country. She is admitting her surprise, her spontaneity: “But if anyone feels offended by my reaction, I sincerely apologise.” There is something terribly disordered in her perception of society and the country. It is not enough to point out that it is a typical example of targeted education. She does not understand that she did not insult people, but the country on the eve of the holiday, which commemorates the greatest achievement of Slovenians in history. The honour guard and banners were lined up for the highest representatives of the country, its symbols. She did not greet them, did not give them the due (!) respect and attention. She turned her back on them. Last year, members of the Guard were spat on, this year the President of the Parliament ignored them! Her screaming in Parliament proves that she is incapable of controlling herself. Instead of thinking deeply about her suitability for one of the highest positions in the country, the media tries to dilute everything into a fight between supporters and opponents of the new government or even as a phenomenon of “machismo”.

The opposition has not yet grasped the seriousness of the situation and the threats to Slovenia’s future. The achievements of Janša’s government have been systematically destroyed. All the current mistakes and shortcomings – from the red shoes of the President of the Parliament to the complete lack of control – of the national government team are thrown into one basket. Not everything is the same! In days when the standard of citizens is rapidly falling and one would expect the organisation of anti-costliness demonstrations, citizens are busy with the colour of the shoes of another man of the country. The incompetence of the new ones is essential, not the number of replacements. Cvikl vice-governor?! The worse he has performed in the past, the more inappropriate he is, the higher he is placed. The President of the Parliament is only the tip of the iceberg! Many are disturbed by the lack of education of the Minister of the Economy, Matjaž Han, who has proven at least in his personal life that he knows how to turn over money, but less so by the State Secretary, of whom Židan has not yet mastered his pigs, and Frangeš despises knowledge of economics. And where are they now? The appointment of Marjan Šarec as Minister of Defence is not only inappropriate, it is an insult, a degradation of Tonin and the great work done by NSi in the government. Its MPs could at least have enough self-respect not to show even the slightest willingness to collaborate with the current government. Let’s hope that the party will prevent the presidential candidacy of Ljudmila Novak, who is being imposed by a circle of “noble” seekers, read suicidal right-wingers of the Kocbek type. Let’s hope that she will finally stop dealing with Janša, who is supposed to cut them like “salami”. In fact, they would not exist without him. The question is why they are not the first right-wing party, which, given Slovenia’s past and the situation in society, they should be. Why do they ignore J.E. Krek’s teaching and modus operandi?

The situation in Slovenia is becoming tragic and fatal! Especially for the citizens and consequently the country! The achievements of the previous government are being destroyed so quickly that the citizens have not yet realised it. The opposition must be extremely serious and responsible. We are witnessing the systematic destruction of the country, the planned impoverishment of citizens! Golob’s boat ran aground irretrievably. Kučan did not support Kos because he needs her to replace Golob!


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