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Saturday, July 27, 2024

The Consequences of the Incompetent Left Šarec Government are Already Here!

The coalition did not begin the work on the budget for 2019. They recruit according to the system “it does not matter what you know, what matters is that you are one of us.”


The performance of the new government is marked by high increases in the price of petroleum products and electricity. Marjan Šarec does not dare to step in front of the press and the public after the government sessions. The coalition did not begin the work on the budget for 2019. They recruit according to the system “it does not matter what you know, what matters is that you are one of us.” There is no talk of the catastrophically poor absorption of funds from the European Cohesion Funds; consequently, they do not do much about it. The municipalities remain without funds, the investments are stagnating or are financed by municipalities in a different way, even through significantly higher prices than they would have been if regulation was in place.

The State Secretary Mateja Vraničar Erman (former Finance Minister) said, at a meeting between mayors in the Community of the municipalities of Slovenia, that the new government has the intention to implement a real estate tax until 2020. Although some reported that this would become municipal revenue (similar to the existing compensation for the use of building land – NUSZ), Vraničar Erman did not confirm it. She even announced a new local tax, which will be the revenue of municipalities. Yet another tax, then.

The Šarec government has, at the same time, already decided that social assistance will be almost 393 euros a month next year. In the first half of this year, the missing money was taken from the item for road reconstruction. Where will they take it next year from, we do not know. In the existing budget, the money for this (at least 100 million euros) is not guaranteed. Let’s not even talk about the fact that work, as many find it, is not worth the effort.

In addition, there is the issue of illegal migrants. The Court of Auditors of the Republic of Slovenia found that in 2016 they cost us 1.963 euros each. The number of migrants is increasing daily and costs are increasing as well. All of this is at the expense of taxpayers and businesses, which are also threatened by higher taxation, or even the expulsion from the country if we use the terminology of the socialist-oriented leftists. They will soon remain alone in Slovenia if the trends continue as indicated. Who will fill the state treasury, that they already seem unable to manage, then? – This is another question.


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