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Sunday, January 19, 2025

The achievements of the Golob’s coalition – Part 38: They threaten the essence of the nation’s existence and development

By: Dr. Vinko Gorenak

Statistical data is unforgiving, whether we like it or not. We can interpret it in different ways, but the data remains as it is.

One such statistic is the life expectancy of men and women. I first encountered this data about 50 years ago. Back then, as a high school student, I saw the statistic that women, on average, live around 70 years, while men live 66 years. I never understood why that was the case, but I have continued to follow such statistical data as it is. The latest statistics say that women now live an average of 83.8 years, and men 77.7 years, more precisely, this is the expected life expectancy of women and men at birth.

Not only statistics but also natural logic or common sense says that, on average, about the same number of boys and girls are born. If we compare this data with the life expectancy data of men and women, we see that, in practice, there are more women than men. This has been the case for years, but now it is no longer so.

The latest statistical data (from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia) says that at the beginning of 2024, there were 10.1% more men than in 1991. At the beginning of 2024, there were 1,068,429 men in Slovenia, 98,200 more than in 1991. The number of men first exceeded the number of women in 2019. If we compare this data with the number of foreign men, we see that in 2008, there were 4.7% foreign men in Slovenia, while at the beginning of this year, there were as much as 12% foreign men. In absolute numbers, on July 1st, 2023, there were 1,066,634 men and 1,054,303 women, or 11,331 more men than women.

When we compare all these statistics with each other, it is clear that this is an unnatural situation, as there should be more women than men; however, the situation is reversed due to the large number of foreign men who have come to Slovenia in recent years.

I have been warning about the gender composition of illegal migrants coming to Slovenia and the EU for years, during my time as a member of parliament. For example, back in 2015, when more than half a million illegal migrants passed through Slovenia, I pointed out their gender composition. More than 80% of them were men, aged between 18 and 50, while only about 20% were women. We have encountered similar data in Slovenia year after year among those illegal migrants who apply for international protection in Slovenia. International protection is supposed to be, according to EU regulations, intended primarily for vulnerable social groups, which certainly include women, children, and elderly men. This fact also reveals much more about European asylum policy, which has become a dead letter on paper and is no longer practiced.

Given that I am writing about a long period during which both left-wing and right-wing governments were in power, someone could say, as we often hear: “They are all the same, they are all guilty for the current situation.” But that is not the case. Right-wing governments, led three times by Janez Janša, significantly limited and reduced the influx of illegal migrants into Slovenia. Left-wing governments, especially the current Golob’s coalition, have directly encouraged the arrival of illegal migrants into Slovenia. The current government announced at the very beginning of its mandate in 2022 that it would remove the fence on the border with Croatia and adopt a more migrant-friendly policy. This, of course, meant an invitation for illegal migrants to come to Slovenia. To support this claim, I will refer to official police statistics, which show that the average number of illegal entries into the country between 2014 and 2020 was 2,301, while in 2023 it was 60,602. The gender composition of illegal migrants is similar, with men between 18- and 50-years old predominating.

From everything written, we can conclude that Golob’s coaliton has decisively contributed to the situation where, at the beginning of 2024, we have a completely distorted natural picture of the number of men and women. Naturally, expected, and statistically speaking, there should be slightly more women than men, but in fact, the opposite is true – there are significantly more men than women, and it is indeed plausible to accept the conclusion from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia that this has happened due to the much higher number of foreign men. This situation, which in practice means endangering the essence, existence, and development of the nation, can therefore be fully attributed to Golob’s coalition.

To be continued.


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