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Sunday, September 8, 2024

Social engineering and Pučnik’s commitments

By: dr. Andreja Valič Zver

A few days ago, the Institute of Dr Jože Pučnik (IJP) organised the 14th Pučnik Symposium, which has been hosted by the beautiful knight’s hall at the castle in Slovenska Bistrica since 2015. Friendly hospitality and support were provided by the mayor of Slovenska Bistrica, Ivan Žagar, and his team from the Institute of Culture. For this project, the IJP connected with two international foundations, namely the Konrad Adeanuer Stiftung and the European Platform of Remembrance and Conscience, and many colleagues, friends, and supporters of the IJP participated in the organisation and implementation.

As we wrote in the trailer of Pučnik’s symposium, there are moments in the development of community living when it is necessary to stop, think again and make sense of a moment of time, because otherwise a “fall from bankruptcy” can happen. And there were more than enough of them in the last century. Our civilisation has been crippled by various totalitarian and authoritarian regimes. In the early 2020s, history seems to be unhappily repeating itself. All failed attempts at social engineering had their own ideological platform, and they all found a convenient racial or class (political) enemy. They caused hundreds of millions of victims.

In the last period, the so-called cultural Marxism raised its voice again, which otherwise has deep roots in the history of the communist movement. It renewed the rhetoric, replaced Marxist economism with cultural one, replaced class struggle with cultural one, but something remained common: to achieve cultural hegemony through a radical mental transformation, by changing the software of man’s mind, as we would say in modern parlance. The so-called cultural Marxism in its inhuman dimension shows an even more terrifying potential than classical.

At the same time, let me remind you of the so-called theory of the great reset, which is confirmed through the functioning of the World Economic Forum (WEF), known for its annual sessions in Davos, Switzerland. A text entitled Welcome to 2030 was published on their website. “I have no private property, I have no privacy, but life has never been better,” wrote the aspiring author. The WEF, which titled its pre-Covid project The Great Reset, inadvertently revealed with this announcement that it is preparing for us nothing more and nothing less than a “brave new world”. The destructive European agricultural policy, changes in the World Health Organisation, synthetic meat, and flour from crickets, which will find their way into our diet without our knowledge, are just some of the harbingers of the “great reset”. Perhaps it would be better to say, “new totalitarianism”?

All these processes have serious global consequences. Geopolitical relations are changing drastically, the “culture of death” is on the rise again, which can be seen with the Russian aggression against Ukraine. At the symposium, we tried to shed light on these and other questions at a round table with excellent experts, who shed additional light on the events based on the publication on the São Paulo Forum. The global left-wing invasion that was halted by the fall of the Iron Curtain is happening again before our eyes. The rise of autocratic regimes, the brutal aggression of modern dictators, predatory migration flows, multiculturalism, the eating away of family values, the undermining of the cultural foundations of Western civilisation, etc. they are just different faces of the same hydra. Its credo is revealed to us more and more clearly. Fortunately, there are more and more people who understand the game of “cat and mouse” and are more and more strongly opposed to the so-called Davos paradigms. Freemasons, global economic elites, and other non-transparent groups must not dominate in the regulation of human relations. Otherwise, we are in for a “Great Ice Age”, not a climate with low temperatures, but one that will bring most of humanity a grey sameness in icy poverty.

Dr Jože Pučnik, whose 20th death anniversary we commemorated at the beginning of this January, should be an inspiration to us even in these lost times. Not only was Pučnik a critical follower of Slovenia’s “limping” transition to normality, but he was particularly affected by value nihilism, which erases the rational judgment of what is right and what is wrong. At the same time, Pučnik was a “changer of things”, which he best proved with his decisive attitude during the Slovenian political spring, democratisation, and independence. He not only analysed, but also predicted and acted. And this should be our guide and the main message of the 14th Pučnik Symposium.


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