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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Slovenia is in an election year

By: Davorin Kopše

The year 2021 is over, in which we struggled with covid-19 and the consequences of infections. Nevertheless, it has been successful in many areas. We have never had such low unemployment, so the economy is strong and achieving excellent growth. Many legal starting points have been prepared for further progress. Especially in the second half of the year, Slovenia established itself in the international environment during its presidency of the EU Council as a credible interlocutor and partner.

This year we will have all kinds of general elections in the country. We are waiting for the National Assembly, presidential, mayoral and local elections at other levels. Despite the fact that the President of the Republic is directly elected, he has no executive function. He is a representative of the state and, in addition to some other representative functions, also a symbolic commander-in-chief of the armed forces. Apart from the appointment of high-ranking officers and the assessment of readiness, the President of the Republic has no influence on the leadership and command of the army. Although the presidency function is the highest, the parliamentary elections is undoubtedly the most important, which I emphasise. This state representative body will appoint the executive branch of government to lead the country in practice.

It is therefore important for the stability of the country who we will elect to the state legislature, which also appoints government representatives (president and ministers). In these elections, we will decide between a quality unifying and successful policy that currently prevails, and on the other hand, there will be a bunch of empty words spoken by representatives of the KUL opposition. They can say that during the current government, everything sucks, that politics is harmful and that we even have a dictatorship in Slovenia. It is a typical destructive-minded society that has no idea how they would do anything differently or better.

KUL appearance

It is a Slovenian KUL phenomenon. After the National Assembly had refused to condemn any totalitarianism, including fascism, for the fifth time, they became full of condemnation and fabrications about the emergence of fascism, which is also the foundation of their work. In addition to nonsense, there is also a marked intellectual malnutrition and underestimation of the electorate body. Namely, they are fighting hard against the democratic processes in the country. We are looking at fascist methods of overthrowing an elected government, that is functional.

As we know, democracy was the biggest thorn in the side of fascism. It was of the opinion that democracy was inefficient and therefore an enemy of the development of a society led by a narrow circle or even an individual. As we know, KUL is a narrow circle, only an individual is still being sought.

Masleša and probably someone else must leave immediately

This year we will have to deal with the Masleša phenomenon. Namely, Branko Masleša, as the supreme judge, former president of this court and the current head of the investigative department at this court, after several weeks of doubts about his education, did not show any evidence that is a condition for holding his position. In my opinion, we are facing a fundamental task, where the effectiveness of the summit of justice as a branch of government as a whole will have to be determined on the basis of this case. During all this time, no one in the Supreme Court or the Judicial Council has pledged their authority to clearly condemn the situation and demand clarifications. In the palm of our hand we have an example of how the profession decides on itself and is inviolable.

If we have supreme judges whose chief Masleša was the president of this court, and for some he is still the head of the department, I assess this as a crisis in the functioning of this system. It may have been possible to explain the silence for a few days, but after all the time that has passed, this is no longer possible. For me personally, everyone is responsible and it should be considered that they are sent away from their function one after another. All in a row. Without exception and without excuses. This cannot be tolerated. It is neither decent nor right!

These are people who directly or indirectly influence the fate of people in terms of their guilt or innocence in court and whether they will spend part of their lives in freedom or in prison. They do all this on behalf of the people, and at the same time the people should not have the right to know what competencies Masleša has, and everyone in turn protects him, although it is already clear to everyone that he does not have these competencies. It is no longer just a question of a diploma and the justice system, it is about the inadequacy of holding office in terms of personality traits. In one of his statements, Masleša dared to say that it was out of honour for him to show the evidence. What we are looking at is only possible in Belarus, in the EU member state Slovenia it must not be possible! Masleša must leave immediately, but it would be normal to initiate a thorough investigation immediately. In that order. Departure first.

A showdown with supporters of totalitarianism

In this election year, we have the opportunity to deal with the remnants of totalitarianism, which is unequivocally supported by members of the opposition KUL. In order to protect the glory and their divine defence of communism, they have already voted five times against the resolution condemning totalitarianisms. This is, from the point of view of democratic standards, an enormous anomaly that cannot be viewed peacefully. It is this torch from various speakers who condemns those who proposed the resolution, fascism. Who the hell is normal here and who is not? It has never been known before, so I believe more than ever that voters will make the right decision.

The decision is in the hands of the people

The people therefore have an opportunity to reckon with this. It always has it, when it decides collectively right in general democratic elections. Of course, the people also have the opportunity to decide for the wrong ones and put them in power, where a non-transparent justice system will continue to reign, where decisions will continue to be made directly against the interests of the people and general development, and where they will continue to condemn part of the people that they are fascists, and on the streets we will watch performances by village specials who, in the style of the Pharisees, impose nonsense on us.

When the European Court of Human Rights ruled on the right of the Communist Party of Romania to act actively politically, the said court rejected that right. The Communist Party of Romania wanted to revive communism, which had ruled and terrorised people for decades and caused many innocent victims in addition to misery. As they did not want to enter them in the register of political parties with this programme, they turned to the ECHR and bombed.

From this decision of the court, we can conclude that the functioning of political parties glorifying totalitarian communism is inadmissible for a democratic Europe. When we remember Stožice and the communist rage of the Slovene left, where revolutionary songs were sung, including Bandera rossa, which includes the text “Long live communism”, we can only wonder how this is possible. A member of the Social Democrats’ parliamentary group, Marko Koprivc, says in the middle of the National Assembly that the party’s proud successors are the Union of Communists. Furthermore, SD President Tanja Fajon, former SD President Dejan Židan and the aforementioned Koprivc bow with all honours and communist sentiments to the communist criminal Boris Kidrič, who demanded accelerated cleansing (read slaughter) of Slovenes before litigation could begin.

In addition, the KUL party assures the Slovenian public that they will not cooperate with democratic parties that are committed to the values of Slovenian independence and democracy. The KUL parties are parties that have supported street protests that are in many ways reminiscent of the Nazis of the 1930s. Clearly, a totalitarian character is not compatible with democracy. This explains the phenomenon of KUL.

And these are the parties that claim to re-form the government after the elections and put Slovenia back on track, where social systems have been depleted, where privileged NGOs have cashed in hundreds of millions for useless projects and uncultured products at the expense of culture, and where in the judiciary reigned more than the disputed Masleša. Well, as I said, they do not have a new Kidrič or Tito yet, but this one can appear quickly. Such a leader would not need any special education like Masleša does in his current position, would he?

And happy election year 2022, dear voters!

Davorin Kopše is a veteran of the war for Slovenia, a candidate for MEP and an active citizen.


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