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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi or who is the real fascist

By: Dr Štefan Šumah

“Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi” is a Latin phrase that literally means “What is allowed for Jupiter, is not allowed for the ox”. This phrase suggests that there are double standards and essentially means that what is allowed for one person or group is not allowed for everyone. It is believed to originate from the phrase “Aliis si licet, tibi non licet”, which translates to “If it is allowed for others, it is not allowed for you.”

Do you still remember the masked individuals who rampage at every demonstration under the slogan “It is for the children”, carrying signs that say “Clerofascists, go away” or “Get out of our wombs”? The Minister of Culture did not even mention them. However, she had a lot to say about the banner with the message “There are only two genders (male and female)”. Yes, she is bothered by a sign that conveys a basic biological fact, but she does not seem to be bothered by the insults and hateful slogans of left-wing anarchists.

Even labelling political opponents as fascists does not bother her; in fact, she uses that word herself to describe ideological opponents. So, let’s take a closer look at the main characteristics of fascism: the elevation of the nation above the individual, the use of violence and modern propaganda techniques to suppress political opposition, extensive economic and social organisation, and corporatism. Now, let’s compare the actions and speeches of the leading figures (including women) on the left with those of Bernard Brščič, whom they consider one of the main fascists in Slovenia, and see who the real fascist is.

Who puts the nation above the individual? Brščič certainly does not, but it is the sympathisers, supporters, and members of the left who do so through the “voice of the people”. Self-proclaimed representatives of the people claim to represent the entire nation and label anyone who disagrees with them as fascists. Interesting, is it not? So, it is 1:0 in favours of the left! Let’s continue! Asta Vrečko recently launched a campaign against the Society for the Development of Traditional Values! Censorship! The public broadcaster RTVS has been taken over (one might even say occupied) by the left to suppress political opposition, and anarchist factions of the left are marching with a semi-militant attitude, sometimes even assaulting police officers. However, I have not heard Brščič ever demanding censorship; on the contrary, he is a fervent advocate of freedom of speech. So, it is 2:0 for the left.

If the left has activated a bunch of non-governmental organisations (even Minister Maljevac founded one) to support them, with necessary financial support provided through various grants, it creates a conglomerate of extensive economic and social organisation, led (purely by chance) by the president of the council of the occupied RTVS. So, it is 3:0 in favour of the left.

And the left side, if I may use a sports analogy, scores the final goal! Corporatism can be defined as a way of organising society, including the economy, by corporate groups, where decisions are then made by a small group of people claiming to represent these groups. This is much closer to figures like Mesec, Kordiš, and Vrečko than to Brščič, who advocates individualism. So, it is 4:0.

It is only through a comparison based on the basic characteristics of fascism (which every sociologist should know) that we can show who is the greater fascist. The colour of this fascism does not matter; in this case, it is red. And the winner is known. Luka Mesec (and company): Bernard Brščič is 4:0. A clear victory in claiming the title of the biggest fascist. And here we are again. The fascists of the future will call themselves antifascists!

Let’s go back to the beginning. Quod licet Iovi, non licet bovi. What is allowed for us is not allowed for our (political, ideological) opponents. Yes, antifascists or red fascists, call it what you will, they see us as cattle! We can have the Foto pub, subsidised non-governmental organisations, expensive pseudo-official trips, PV that transfers money, predatory illegal builder mayor… and you are here to pay for it. We are Jupiter, you are cattle.


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