By: Bogdan Sajovic
International Women’s Day is celebrated in different ways. Some give flowers to their better halves, others drink too much, and in some places, people protest.
Slovenian feminists, for example, protested in Zvezda Park, claiming that they are not sufficiently empowered or something along those lines. The Slovenian feminist group that goes by the name March 8th issued a statement on the occasion, declaring their desire for “a society in which every girl has the opportunity to grow into a strong woman.” Of course, that applies only to the girls who will actually be born, as the main goal of these March 8th activists seems to be ensuring “safe abortion across Europe” – even though safe abortion is already available in practically every European country. In Slovenia, it has been legal since the mid-1950s, dating back to the Yugoslav era.
Over these decades, Slovenian “empowered women” have had approximately 650,000 abortions, give or take a few thousand. The resulting decline in population growth has created a demographic gap, which is now being filled by migrants from the Third World. These migrants come from societies where women are not allowed to attend school, own property (or at least manage it), appear in public without a burqa or hijab, or leave their homes without a male escort. In these societies, girls are sold into marriage, sometimes before they even reach puberty, and disobedient women are, at best, beaten – at worst, killed.
These migrants bring their social customs with them to Europe and, in several European countries, have already begun demanding that these customs be incorporated into European laws. Given current demographic trends, feminist “empowered women” will soon have to make a choice – more Slovenian children or Sharia…