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Sunday, March 23, 2025

(Letters – from victory to victory) Goulash fascism and the Constitutional Court

By: Vinko Vasle

As in the old days, which we thought were already behind us, the fascists are now attacking communists and leftists and thinking of constitutionally exterminating us. Or, as our great pioneer, former ZZB president Tit Turnšek, would say – we have killed too few of them, and now we are being dragged through the Constitutional Court. They want to take away our bright past in Dražgoše, they are making fun of the breakthrough on Menina Pasture Plateau, where a single communist killed about 8,000 SS men, or maybe two less. Our memorial worship of the great thinker, philosopher of communism in theory and practice, Marxist-Leninist Josip Broz Tito, which the fascists describe as worshiping the golden calf, is endangered. This is a pure lie – the monument is not made of gold. They misinterpret why we ritually withdrew after paying homage to the memory of another great communist, Boris Kidrič. You see, this is dictatorship and fascism that our comrades should not walk backwards! We, communists, and leftists, have this historical ability to walk backwards and forwards. Which the communists of the Tanja Fajon party also wrote in their programme.

We do not know where to complain about all the accusations that we are proud successors of the murderers, because this Constitutional Court has already written about our marshal and the lifelong president of the SFRY that she was an ordinary murderer and dictator. How then can we expect a just decision that gives us communists and leftists a legitimate right to be proud successors. The reference to a bourgeois European court that communism is banned in Europe is something so unbearable for us that it hurts our hearts on the left. In fact, we are a great European political direction, a future, because proletarian revolutions, as the Levica party says, are inevitable. The motto Factories to workers is very current, which is why we are also fighting against the penetration of foreign capital into Slovenia, especially Hungarian, but also Austrian, German, Italian and American. We are in favour of cooperative relations with the Great Chinese Party, counting on the proletarian experience of Venezuelan socialism, which has not yet succeeded but is well on its way. Comrades Violeta Tomić from Levica, of which she was a member until recently, informed us about this. From the party, which is now also being investigated, saying that its programme is unconstitutional, as if the constitution is something eternal.

The comrades from the Levica, a little more directly than the communists of Tanja Fajon, programmatically define what needs to be done for the benefit of the nation. The party’s spokesman Miha Kordiš has repeatedly said that the success of the proletariat revolution requires nationalisation, a showdown with dirty capitalists, and this part of the leftist programme is very humane – not all of them are liquidated but thrown into the sea. If they know how to swim, they know, if they do not know, that is not a problem of the left. This is not unconstitutional.

Our glorious communist and socialist past has also proved that happiness cannot be given to man by either the party or the police, but that happiness must be created by a progressive revolutionary force. This is what Edvard Kardelj really had in mind, but he camouflaged his thoughts a bit before the growing counter-revolution. That is why at that time we got socialism with a human face, except for the faces of the petty bourgeoisie, the Kul members, the intelligentsia, and the clergy. Everyone else lived in freedom. And this is all we are striving for when we talk about eco-socialism, because the success of socialism requires a cleansing action against fascists and modern-day dictators.

One must be aware that without the Communists, there would be no freedom in 1945, except for those couples who did not deserve it; and there would be no independence if our comrade Milan Kučan did not freeze his Party card and go to the front line. And he went to the front even now, when he threatens us to speak Hungarian in our hotels, eat goulash and sing fascist songs like Na Golici accompanied by a fascist accordion.

We give the life of the enemy, so it is necessary to disarm the Slovenian army, as is our important programme point, so that it is not used by others. If the army is not ours, it will be from someone else.

Death to fascism – freedom to communism.

Vinko Vasle is a long-time journalist, publicist, satirist, and writer.


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