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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

(Letters – from victory to victory) Day of great revenge

By: Vinko Vasle

The basic axiom of our orientation is – we will do everything to come to power. Everything. If this “everything” is not entirely clear to you, despite the concerns, we suggest reading the right-wing bestseller Slovenski razkol by Jože Možina. In the 1970s, we failed in doing everything under communist rule, and the fundamental guilt lies in the fact that “we have killed too few of them”. This is also a brake on our goals and plans after independence. Everything that we did not do during our rule during this period is, of course, the fault of the right, which has greatly hindered us. It is now doing this from the pedestal of dictatorial power, after Janez Janša insidiously undermined the coalition led by Marjan Šarec.

When we win, we will select our best cadres who have just made themselves available. We have in mind one of the most persecuted journalists on the planet – Blaž Zgaga, who fought against fascism and Janša for several years from the protected basement of his home because he was in great danger. Then we must not forget the age of the Slovenian entertainment scene, the little forgotten and neglected Jonas Žnidaršič, who in the new KUL coalition will take care of morally and ethically sound expression of thought. Because we will be different and not offensive. In this sense, he also jokingly told the right-winger in the Prime Minister’s office, Žan Mahnič, that it is harder to look at him than a fatal car accident.

This is such a good comparison that the idea for the pre-election billboards was suggested by our excellent intellectual Marko Bandelli. Marko is also the one who, as a Minister, threatened the mayor of his place with the confiscation of funds if he was not enough of theirs, that is, ours. Marko also recognised the right-wing media and Putin’s instructions and welcomed his decision to punish journalists if they insulted leftists. And finally, the party also gave us Sandi Češko, an upright man who talked a little badly about Robert Golob in one press conference, and then immediately corrected this mistake on one TV station – he did not remember anything about Golob – neither bad nor good.

In implementing our plans, we support Spomenka Hribar on stopping the right, which is not enough to say for these difficult times. That is why we applaud the Serbian migrant Svetlana Slapšak, who demands more – the disappearance of the right. That would end the mandates of horror, she says, where the right must become biologically extinct. Regardless of the state of advancing age-related brain decadence, comrade Svetlana still has an excellent memory for the policy of confrontations with the enemies of her mental mentor from her homeland, Slobodan Milošević.

Action is everything

To sum up – the right needs to be pushed, exterminated, and annihilated. Authors Robert Golob, Marko Bandelli, Lidija Divjak Mirnik and Svetlana Slapšak. Or, if I add our unfortunate bankrupt Marko Crnković – rabies dogs of the right cannot be stopped other than to isolate them. Let’s say a variant of the Slovenian Goli otok, we add. Let us also mention the great thought of the academician, FDV professor Vlado Miheljak, who says that the process of de-actualisation will be demanding and unpleasant. Regime trumpets and trumpeters will also have to face it uncompromisingly. This, of course, is not an attack on media freedom, because right-wingers do not deserve freedom. Or as Alenka Bratušek said – prosecuting the right-wing media will be our priority. One of our supporters, Armin Pjanić, also wrote about this showdown in a holistic and free-spirited way, when he said that the shits of the SDS, Janša and his supporters should all be slaughtered and put in a cave. You see, I did not suggest reading Možina’s book for nothing in the beginning!

After the showdown with the right, fascists and janšists, other questions arise if there is any time left. For example, we perceive the problem of a shortage of gynaecologists, and in this direction, for example, our supportive caregiver, as he is called, Igor Pribac, wants to get involved.

With all the measures of annihilation and extermination, we will finally achieve our goal – shortening the queues in health care. We will celebrate Dražgoše three times a year, and we will give Branko Masleša another ten-year term – with or without a diploma. Diplomas are nothing, action is everything.

But the big question remains – what to do with Robert Golob!

Vinko Vasle is a long-time journalist, publicist, satirist, and writer.


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