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Thursday, January 23, 2025


By: Davorin Kopše

Leftism is a special kind of political language. There are no dictionaries about it and there is no linguist to deal with it. It is an endless yacking of a beautiful future that forbids looking into the past where one could see the consequences of their speeches and actions. The actions that follow the promises in leftism are devastation in the economy, social, health, education, judiciary, environmental protection, and other areas of state subsystems.

One song says there are two paths at the end, but you choose the one that is not there. True, leftists always choose a path that is not there. Man is basically a thinking being, so he has every opportunity to choose the existing and right. Unfortunately, the mind can also wander to the left and choose solutions that are not actually solutions. A long period of peace, development, and all-round possibilities, as well as secrecy, has led us to a comfortable life. All this allows us to find something new. In all areas. It does not matter how bad the new one is, it is important that it is and that someone will celebrate with it. This is exactly what modern leftists need.

They would shape socialism with a human face

That sounds so nice to even adopt a title. But there is always content under the title. Socialism in all periods of its emergence proved to be a mere bluff of leftist dreamers. Their only goal is to live at someone else’s expense. They are literally trumpeting, and from their trumpets come new and new promises of more social benefits and labour rights. They always have everything ruined because they run out of money, foreign money. Time and time again, they resort to the suppression of capitalism and entrepreneurship, where money is “made”.

Socialism therefore does not have and will never have a human face. Socialism is a phenomenon in which everyone is the owner, even though no one is the owner. Because that is the case, no one cares about anything and is not responsible for anything. This is also the behaviour of Slovene modern socialists, who have united within the KUL, and sought external allies in their non-governmental organisations. They scold them right on the street, and sissies without structure nod. Such representatives and members of the government simply cannot be desired.

Every Slovene has a twenty-thousand-euro loan

All the countries of this world that have as much trust in capital as possible are indebted. The borrowing rate is measured as a percentage of gross domestic product. During the current government, this share dropped significantly. The state has rolled some debts during this time. We can see that the country is nominally somewhat more indebted than it was a few years ago, which is not the case with the share of GDP. This is growing more than ever. As Slovenia borrows wisely under this government (negative interest rate), debt repayment annuities are lower despite the nominal increase.

In leftism, the indebtedness of the state is divided by the number of inhabitants. In this way, they get the level of indebtedness per capita. It is pure politicking that has no basis. However, if we conditionally agree to such a presentation of the level of indebtedness, the biggest problem is those who calculate indebtedness in this wrong way.

The point is that most of the debt was achieved during the time of the left-wing governments. And this in times of crisis when we had the hardest time repaying these loans. It is also very important what you use the rented loans for. Left-wing governments are accustomed to investing credit in their digestive tracts (simply hedonistically devouring it), while right-wing governments are investing in development. The old wisdom of economics is that credit is justified if we invest in value-added activities.

Therefore, if we are conditionally talking about 20 thousand euros of indebtedness of every inhabitant of Slovenia, it must be said that we borrowed at least 15 thousand of these euros during the time of the left-wing governments. Perhaps, from the point of view of leftists, however, it would be wise to remain silent about this. Well, wisdom is not a trait of leftists.

My cow can die as long as 2 of my neighbour’s cows die too

With the amendment to the Personal Income Tax Act, the personal income tax scale is changing, which results in higher net wages. People earn differently and pay different income tax advances. Based on this, it is logical that a change in the law would increase people’s net wages in different categories. Another thing in the series that everyone understands except leftists. They have been striving for a wage equaliser since the first leftist idea, because it has been proven anti-development.

In the previous show Tarča, Luka Mesec and Tanja Fajon refused to support the amendment to the law that increases net salaries. They are against the fact that at the same expense of the employer, each employee would receive a higher payment at his own expense. They were also opposed that those who earn more also receive more. To avoid this, they are in a package against increasing pay-outs for those with lower incomes. While claiming to be in favour of poverty, in practice they are in favour of poverty.

Leftism really is a strange language. In it, one can even say that lowering the tax on renting out apartments is a bad thing. The owners of the apartments they rent out are said to be some exploiters who skin the tenants. With an apparent commitment to solving housing issues, of course, they do not say that currently, landlords are solving too many housing issues.

Rental prices are, of course, formed in the market environment. In addition to the connection with supply and demand, these are also related to tax policy. It is quite common in the market for the provider to try to pass on as many costs as possible to the end customer. In our case, it is the one who rents the apartment. By lowering taxes, he will benefit because the landlord will charge him a lower tax. Left-wing mathematics and economics do not contain this logic.

In leftism about culture

During the adoption of the National Programme on Culture in the National Assembly, we listened to the performance of leftists, who did not forget to say that they will also change their attitude towards culture after the elections. Culture is supposedly on the wrong path, among other things, because the popular Čuki performed at the national celebration. They did not say directly, but they would support street performances where the blood of politicians is imitated, where it is drawn and written on the façade of the Ministry of Culture, etc. At the same time, I sensed that they might move MK to Metelkova 6. Of course, they should win first, which will not happen.

Primož Siter from the Levica party realised how badly top artists are supposed to be, because they are no longer funded as they were in the time of left-wing governments. Supposedly they are even delivered food parcels. I am sorry if it is true. But are these top artists if they cannot survive, or maybe it is top-notch perversion. We have not heard anything concrete. Not a single case. Of course, we could analyse it and come to a truth that is not desirable there on the left from the centre.

They will change everything when they win the election, they have threatened again. With their ruling, will we listen to the Toast in Arabic again at the next state celebrations, as has already happened? Probably, but I am convinced that they can do much worse, disgusting, evil, destructive things… in short, anti-Slovenian. Only the interest of the nation can be in the national programme, or how? Whose country is this, who pays taxes and the full budget and various funds? Who will win the next election? With the known growth of support for the government and the Slovenian Democratic Party, the questions are, of course, only rhetorical.

A healthy nation puts itself first (God first created a beard for himself), only then are others in line. If we are for ourselves, we are not necessarily against others. If we are for others first, we are necessarily against ourselves.

Davorin Kopše is a war veteran for Slovenia, a candidate for MEP and an active citizen.


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