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Sunday, January 5, 2025

Is it about saving or deceiving contributors of the RTV fee?

By: Lea Kalc Furlanič

Discontinuation of music production, the informative programme on SLO 2, Radio Si, regional programmes in Koper and Maribor, the Media Library, publishing activities, and a reduction in salaries for one or two salary brackets. These are potential measures that the new management of RTV Slovenia may take due to cost-cutting, as it faces a ten million deficit.

Therefore, the RTVS council has instructed the management to prepare and submit calculations of the financial and personnel effects of these potential measures. However, there is no talk of other measures, nor is there any mention of the state covering the deficit. It seems as if everyone has hidden in a mouse hole.

Many important individuals, institutions, associations, and more reacted with dismay to this decision by the RTVS council. Interestingly, the management had only two days to provide the council with the calculations. Why, only they know. But it seems as if the newly formed council team is afraid of criticism. Or even worse: afraid of themselves. Because now, after they have finally “saved” RTVS from the “Janša supporters” who were making harmful moves there, it is not appropriate for them to embarrass themselves and show their incompetence with the next, this time their own harmful move! Perhaps in two days, no one will notice what they are up to.

Unfortunately, it was not so. Particularly loud in their opposition to this decision were those in Koper. More than the television broadcasters, the radio broadcasters of the Slovenian programme (the Italian one remains) were vocal. The programme is notably rich, high-quality, and well-listened to. For over four decades, programmes in both languages have rightfully filled the bilingual media space in the Primorska region, which, due to past and present specific socio-political circumstances, must actively exist, live, broadcast, testify, warn; otherwise, the uniqueness of this space will be lost. Cutting off this kind of opportunity for awareness, education, and strengthening of national identity in this area is a societal and historical crime.

There is a fear that the council proposed this idea precisely because they are aware of the damage that such a painful cut would cause. With this, they have deceived the public, which will undoubtedly do everything to preserve Slovenian RTV Koper, even if it means paying higher bills. And the council members will wash their hands of it, as they did not dare to introduce an increase in the RTV fee. Truly cunning!


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