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Saturday, March 22, 2025

From Stevanović to Prodanović

By: Mojca Škrinjar

The predicted Indian summer betrayed the weathermen, and autumn reminded us unusually early with wind, low temperatures, and unusual downpours. I will not talk about Greta or climate change or green politics and forced ventilation of school classrooms, through which #LeviBiznis is trying to break through to state funding. We are talking about a hot political autumn, which is wagging its tail with all its might in order to preserve the parallel mechanisms of the deep state, which Rado Pezdir describes in a resounding book with such a title.

When cyclers lost their appeal and people got tired of this kind of media coverage, and social networks overlooked the flood of “fake” titles produced by some e-mail addresses from the same space, which can be called #RedCentre, they invented a new bomb. Anti-vaccinators. Who moved from Friday, which is more suitable for going to the weekend house, to Wednesday. They filled the Republic Square and threw a few tens of kilograms of granite cubes into the façade of the parliament, and through the holes in the windows also Molotovs. They did that despite the fact that they knew that some of us MPs, mostly from the coalition, were still at work in the building itself. Of course, what a coincidence that before the worst invasion of parliament began, all SD MPs fled.

In the hall, the Levica, SAB and LMŠ parties left one or at most two of their MPs, who are obviously considered second-class, who obviously would not be missed if the parliament started to burn, which was not far from it. I would ponder on it in their place. And when we thought it could not get any worse, a certain Stevanović came from somewhere, calling on the whole of Slovenia to block Ljubljana’s roads on Tuesday during the most resounding event of the Slovenian presidency. Thus, the venerable Rosvita Pesek was able to report anxiously on Odmevi show that Slovenia had sent a strange picture to the world. Of course, in the week, Wednesday’s story repeated itself, and the protesters ended up being wet and with burning eyes, which Stevanovič on the street and part of the opposition in the parliamentary hall attributed to the terrorist police and government. Parents who could not get their children from kindergartens or schools because of the busy streets, people who rushed to the doctor or to a meeting, were collateral damage of the revolution, which Stevanović and his supporters do not care about at all – the goal is to dedicate funds!

The revolution, however, has two faces, where the one described above is only a shadow of the real one. The real one is seen in the second step, which wants to make a transnational rift, and if it does not go by bike, it goes by hard or soft č/ć. During Yugoslavia, some Slovenes went to other republics, and even more often citizens from other republics came to Slovenia. Some as manual workers, others as officials or entrepreneurs. Today, the third or fourth generation of immigrants lives in Slovenia, which is not separated from the autochthonous people by anything other than the last letter in the surname, hard or soft č/ć. Among them are hard workers, craftsmen, successful athletes, teachers, doctors, students. Indeed, even among the descendants of immigrants, as among the autochthonous Slovenes, they are different people, good and evil is distributed, unfortunately, among all people. That is why a short and honest note by Igor Prodanović struck like a bomb. He told the plain truth to all those who wanted to ignite a civil war between hard and soft č/ć: he declared himself a migrant whose parents came to Slovenia to look for better bread, found his new homeland he respects and loves, is highly educated, and works diligently for the survival of his family.

Proof that we live in a normal society

Igor has not forgotten his original homeland, he visits his relatives in Bosnia, attends religious celebrations and family gatherings, and understands and respects the cultural differences between his two homelands. In his note, he emphasises that as an immigrant he respects Slovene culture and tradition and calls on all, autochthonous Slovenes and immigrants of all generations for tolerance and mutual respect, to jointly co-create Slovenia’s prosperity, and to quarrelsome people he shows the possibility of a one-way ticket. Igor’s post on social networks received an unsuspected positive response. This means that we live in a normal society after all. Which, of course, does not suit the Red Centre. He knows from the times of the socialist revolution that quarrelsome people and revolutionaries most easily take power in a turbulent atmosphere of war, as was the case during World War II, when the Communist Party abused the national liberation movement to destroy democracy and by crimes, cowardice, and fraud, seized and retained power for many decades.

Prodanović deserves deep respect

In 1991, Slovenia became independent, became a state and gained a great reputation through the double presidency of the European Union and the achievements of its hard-working citizens. This would be even greater if the economy and the public sector could function without the parallel mechanisms of a deep state, which we have clearly not freed ourselves from. It wants to persevere its mafia activities, destroy the work of the hardworking hands of everyone, no matter how their surnames end, and for this purpose it is ready to create a “bad guy” Zoran Stevanović to ignite a quarrel in Slovenia over a single letter. Igor Prodanović resisted this, so he deserves deep respect for his courage, which was also shown to him by thousands on social networks.

Igor Prodanović also received some threats because of this, they are not numerous, but they are all the more dangerous. Igor is a peaceful citizen; he has a family that does not deserve to live in danger. So I say: We are all Igor, you will not silence us! Although we do not feel good about being trapped in an attacked parliament, even if we walk carefully on the roads, stand in traffic jams, I say – we are not divided, we are in agreement! We want to live in a fair, healthy and prosperous society. Normal society!

Mojca Škrinjar is a member of the National Assembly, a former director, a state secretary at the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport, and a member of the SDS.


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