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Wednesday, January 15, 2025

European newspeak 2021

By: dr. Matevž Tomšič

Today, it is becoming increasingly difficult to be an advocate of the European Union. It is increasingly difficult to enthusiastically defend the project of transnational European integration, which undoubtedly represents a huge acquisition of civilisation; for it has brought the old continent a period of lasting peace and is largely credited with ensuring that its inhabitants enjoy freedom and prosperity like never in their history. Confidence in this project is declining among Europeans.

One of the main reasons for this is the moves and actions of the European institutions. This is not just about unresponsiveness and inefficiency in solving the most important problems (which became apparent during the financial crisis in 2008 and especially during the migrant crisis in 2015). These are certain actions that are – at least by the standards of an ordinary thinking person – far beyond common sense. They are the product of ideological madness and, so to speak, the obsessive tendencies of some circles to introduce radical changes in the European way of life.

A typical example of this is the now infamous document entitled “Union of Equality. European Commission Guidelines for Inclusive Communications”, created under the auspices of the Commissioner for Equal Opportunities, Maltese Socialist Helena Dalli. Although these instructions for “proper” communication by European Commission staff were later withdrawn due to violent resistance and outrage – saying they are not yet sufficiently finalised – they nevertheless authentically testify to the state of mind that pervades a significant part of the European political bureaucracy.

What proponents of “inclusive communication” would like to bring to life is very reminiscent of the newspeak from Orwell’s famous dystopian novel 1984. Let us remember, it was an artificially constructed way of expression that served to distort reality and thus ideological the domination of society by a totalitarian regime that intervened in all dimensions of people’s lives.

The “inclusion” that the European Commissioner and its company are talking about is very exclusive. From these instructions, there is a poorly concealed resistance to everything that is Christian. Their authors are disturbed by Christian names, they are disturbed by Christian holidays. Europeans should hide the fact that they celebrate Christmas because they otherwise insult members of other religious communities. In order not to offend any of the ethnic, racial, religious, sexual or any other minorities (these have recently multiplied like weeds grow), they should give up their habits and traditions.

The document expresses the tendency to carry out social engineering – which is very popular with leftists. Its tone is commanding, which means that it is not some kind of advice, but basically instructions on what can be said and what cannot. Sooner or later, this would become mandatory for all European institutions. And what could happen if the rules governing “correct” communication were to be imposed on the Member States of the European Union?

We must not pretend that the withdrawal of this document is the end of attempts to introduce a Euro-bureaucratic newspeak. We can be sure that they will continue, perhaps more covertly, that is, that they will try to bring such or similar rules through some “side door”. Namely, in the name of political correctness and everything that falls into the ideological context of neo-leftism, some want to dismantle European identity and devalue the European way of life. As if Europeans should be ashamed of their tradition, which is largely marked by Christianity. It tries to impose on them a kind of collective guilt for practically everything bad that has happened in this world in the past, and for all the injustices that are happening in the so-called third world at present. It is high time that people across Europe resolutely rejected this.

Dr Matevž Tomšič is a sociologist, university professor at the Faculty of Applied Social Studies in Nova Gorica and president of the Association of Journalists and Publicists.


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