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Wednesday, January 22, 2025

“Electro millionaire” Robert Golob would tear down the fence along the Kolpa river: The one in front of his mansion does not bother him

By: Domen Mezeg / Nova24tv

The anointed of the transitional left, Robert Golob, is an extremely controversial figure in many ways. He had a salary that exceeded even that of the President of the United States on an annual basis. And although he was portrayed as the new face of the transitional left, he hid his programme, at least until recently. Public appearances on TV confrontations are a disaster, full of arrogance and verbal slips, even inadmissible attacks on journalists (for example on N1 Slovenia). That is why the political underworld temporarily sent him underground, from where he returned a few days ago and served up new absurdities. (Clearly, it hurts him if he opens his mouth and if he is silent). Moreover, he tells migrant smugglers and potential terrorists that illegal border crossings (when he takes the throne) will be even easier. He will have the fence along the Kolpa river removed, while he has fenced off his luxurious coastal mansion with hedges and cast-iron constructions. He likes to sell stories to the public about green energy, the climate crisis, etc., but he himself has a fabulously lit driveway and not a single solar panel on the roof. Even more controversial are Golob’s Putinist calls for the “expulsion of fascists” and the simultaneous fight against the politics of hatred. He says one thing and does another.

Otherwise, it is clear which way the wind is blowing regarding the removal of the fence at the border – to gain migrant-loving, naïve left-wing voters who do not differentiate between economic migrants (young able-bodied men from the Middle East, various Syrian barbers, potential terrorists who also crossed Slovenian territory, followed by attacks in Paris and even sexually derailed individuals – New Year’s attacks on women in Cologne, Germany… etc.) and refugees (mostly women, the elderly and children, while young men remain on the Ukrainian front, fighting bravely for the freedom of their homeland). What does this mean, Comrade Robert Golob, a proud member of the transitional family, the son of the director of Soške elektrarne, Valentin Golob? That we will have to buy even more weapons and deploy soldiers in full combat gear around Ljubljana and elsewhere? Do we want scenes from Paris and other “core European cities” where soldiers with automatic weapons parade through the streets because the fence at the border will not protect us at all?

And although until recently Golob devoted himself mainly to the monopoly marketing of state electricity, and allegedly perceives his entry into parliamentary politics as a “necessary evil” due to his extended term at the Gen-I top, he has now become a foreign policy expert. He is even giving public lessons to the new government of Janez Janša on how to act or not to act in the event of the Ukrainian crisis and the like. However, we already know from the past that in the case of the left, either indirect or direct sympathy for the white goods trade is not just a ground-breaking pre-election prank, and above all that it is not about any humanitarianism and compassion.

By the way: this kind of propaganda at state expense (!!!) can be seen in the case of the last “divine”, activist escapades of RTV Slovenia journalist (committed to independence and objectivity!!!) anti-Slovenian Boris Vasev (who would remove Slovenian flags from schools and RTVS). At the same time, it is worth mentioning another reason for passionate migrant love: let us remember how a prominent member of the Social Democrats, Lidija Mavretič, smuggled migrants. That, too, is in the background. It is a great business, “sequins”. It is said that one can earn at least a few hundred euros per migrant. A compassionate and philanthropic leftist can get a fabulous monthly salary in a single day! Really humane. It is a war-like profit. And if Vasev sincerely wants to help refugees (and “refugees”), he should take some under his own roof, otherwise he should dedicate part of his salary to the maintenance of “refugee” centres. From words to deeds, go for it!

The fence along the Kolpa river is not ideal: Only the one Orban has effectively prevents the white goods trade!

After all, in the case of Vasev’s salary, it is our taxpayers’ money, the money of Slovenian citizens. By “relieving” its revenues, the state would also optimise the excessive costs of operating the public service. It would be even more hygienic to simply dismiss such a scoundrel. We are sure that he would be received well at Mladina, Insider or some other noble (noble?) political trumpet. Taxpayers deserve more transparent and less inflammatory journalism from public RTVS! Let’s go back to Golob and the fence. As we have already written, a few days ago he advocated the removal of the fence on the Croatian border because it has proven to be ineffective and does not contribute to the damming, as he believes – of “refugee” flows.

We can even partially agree with Golob’s conviction, as only the fence erected on the Hungarian border by Viktor Orban really protects against “young, able-bodied men” and potential terrorists who sow fear in western capitals. However, the fence in the garden of Golob’s luxurious mansion, addressed Pod Škabrijelom 72, is also, so to speak, “useless”, as it keeps at most some stray dogs away (if they have any). Any sufficiently agile youngster can climb it (or even skip it) and threat himself with his delicious coastal figs (or whatever he has, so he will not chase us for a word…). It is clear, however, that Golob’s indirect support for the white goods trade is nothing more than massaging the ego of a part of the electorate. He is not aware, however, that such a policy can also be costly.

They have already experienced a cold shower in SD: They would build collection centres, but they are not interested in the real problems of the little man

The SD has an unfortunate case of the municipality of Ilirska Bistrica, where a former member of this party Emil Rojc did not kneel before the command of his boss and first prima donna Tanja Fajon (who is most familiar with the luxurious Brussels halls) after setting up a reception and registration centre for migrants, while the “proud successors of the communists” neglected the real needs of citizens due to the physical and material threat posed by violent migrants (some children were even stoned by illegals and left behind illegal landfills). The son of the mayor of Ilirska Bistrica, Borut Rojc, even announced his candidacy on the Konkretno party or Povežimo Slovenijo movement, because the government of Janez Janša meets the needs of citizens and local communities, and he wants to continue this effective policy. It is a kind of failure of both the SD and the wider hard (stubborn?) left, as it consequently loses middle, liberal-minded voters who give priority to achieving economic (and social) goals.


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