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Sunday, January 19, 2025

Coalition of second fiddles

By: Aleksander Rant

The Slovenian left and its affiliated parties are in dire straits. Throughout their term, they try to convince voters, write programmes, swear against Janša… all in vain. Because the deep state tells them about a month or two before the election, who will be the boss. Let us remember the Social Democrats, who led the government from 2009 to 2011. They were at the peak of their power, Borut Pahor was the Prime Minister, they went to the polls when the financial crisis subsided, or people forgot that the ruling party was to blame. But speak of the devil, uncles and aunts did not make a pilgrimage to the SD headquarters, but to the Ljubljana magistrate and asked the new messiah – Janković – to be Prime Minister. SD then accepted the role of second fiddle. But Janković was not a saviour, as he did not even form a government. This was followed by the second, short, mandate of Janez Janša.

When Janša saved the country from bankruptcy, Alenka Bratušek took power and indebted Slovenia to the point of impotence. It has saved banks to the detriment of the people, and that is all. And when Alenka was at the peak of her power, the elections came. And again, she was not in the forefront, namely the saviour was Miro Cerar. The parties SD and SAB accepted the role of the second fiddles. Cerar was also helped to victory by the fact that the SDS president was illegally imprisoned two weeks before the elections. Then four torturous years passed when nothing was done except some occasional models. The model of Cerar’s government fell apart and we went to the polls again. The SMC as the strongest party may have hoped to maintain its primacy. But speak of the devil, this time the uncles decided that Slovenia needs a comedian from Kamnik. And so, we got Marjan Šarec. The parties SD, SAB, and SMC (then still under Cerar) meekly accepted the role of the second fiddles.

Choleric Šarec did not last as long as Cerar. He said goodbye to his mandate after two years and said that he could not work with Bratušek, Mesec, Židan and Cerar. Then we got the current government.

Golob is following the path of Šarec

Elections are approaching again and parties on the left have been in full preparation for a run for power again. The Social Democrats said that Tanja Fajon will be the Prime Minister. Šarec also did not give up and said that the government will be formed by the one who wins (of course not relatively, but in the circle of the KUL coalition). Luka Mesec was also convinced of the good result, not to mention Bratušek. But speak of the devil for the fourth time. Tanja Fajon will not be the Prime Minister, Marjan and Alenka will most likely drop out of parliament, and Mesec’s party will fall apart. Why? Because the uncles said that the Prime Minister would be Robert Golob. SD, SAB, LMŠ and Levica humbly accepted the role of the second fiddles, but there will be some functions for them as well. Overnight, Golob became the most popular politician (although not a politician at all), even more popular than Pahor. Mediana intended for him to win the election, just as it was intended for Šarec, but in the end he received only 13 percent of the vote. He was hosted by Marcel Štefančič, he was on television, he had round tables. The uncles said the boss would be Golob. A man without knowledge, without a programme, without a party, without members, without content, but at least with flexible morals, which is necessary for a Prime Minister on the left.

And so, until 2026, when we will write that SD, SAB, LMŠ, Levica and Gibanje Svoboda have agreed to the role of the second fiddle. The only unknown is who will be the new messiah then. This is the modus operandi of the deep state. It is especially a pity for parties that have a history, such as the Social Democrats. They have a network, they have staff (whatever they are), they have some kind of a programme. That is a lot more than Golob has. They also have members who are willing to talk across the middle, only they are not in the party leadership now. So, the question is simple. Why do the Social Democrats allow themselves to be humiliated by a certain Robert Golob? Do they owe anyone anything?

This year’s election will be ground-breaking, as citizens will decide where we will sail as a country. Will we be economically successful, internationally recognisable, will we invest in infrastructure, science, development? Are we going to give people some of what they create? This is ensured by centre-right parties – SDS, NSi, Povežimo Slovenijo, Naša dežela, SNS. On the other hand: record unemployment, negative economic growth, extortionate borrowing, no investment in nursing homes, no investment in health care, no pension increases, no allowances. Conflicts with the whole world and neighbours except dictatorships. Programme gap, high taxes and emptying of state troughs. This is offered by SD, Levica, SAB, LMŠ and, Gibanje Svoboda. The decision is ours – as always, we will write the verdict ourselves.


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