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Friday, October 18, 2024

Celebration of the unprincipled coalition that is destroying Europe as we knew it

By: Dr Metod Berlec

In this issue of Demokracija, we scrutinised the subcontractors of the ruling government, the so-called civil society, which acts as the ideological strike force of the ruling left-wing coalition or Golob’s government. Slovenia, as our journalist Vida Kocjan writes, is led by a “coalition with civil society”.

Prime Minister Robert Golob does not deny this coalition. On the contrary, right after his election, he constantly mentioned the “civil society” and the “coalition with civil society”, and he eagerly demonstrated this through various ceremonial receptions and photographs. This means that the country is led by the Gibanje Svoboda, the SD, and the Levica, along with the well-known “civil society”, composed of former Friday cyclists who protested politically against the previous government. We are witnessing Golob’s coalition with the so-called civil society, and we should not forget the backstage patrons led by the last party leader, Milan Kučan, who is already considering Golob’s successor. This is supposed to be the first man of UEFA, Aleksander Čeferin. The left’s strike force in the name of the ruling government are the so-called NGOs, which are funded by the government through its ministries. The bizarre thing is that none of them have measured their support in elections, yet they still present themselves as “representatives of the people”. Gathered in the so-called Voice of the People, led by Jaša Jenull and Dušan Keber recently (like the brown-shirted stormtroopers of the SA), they have been attacking doctors who do not align with the ruling powers.

It is clear that media appearances of such idlers and nonentities like Jaša Jenull would not be possible if the dominant media did not assist them, which is a consequence of the cultural hegemony that the left holds in Slovenian and, unfortunately, European society, as shown by the Sunday elections in France. Let us recall. The Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci (see Anton Stres: Lexicon of Philosophy – Supplement, 2022, 15) wrote in the first half of the 20th century that it is impossible to carry out a proletarian world revolution based on the existing bourgeois and capitalist cultural hegemony. According to him, it is therefore first necessary to wage a “war of position”. This means conducting a cultural struggle against all bourgeois values, which are typically ideologically presented as “natural” or “self-evident” in the existing conditions of bourgeois parliamentary democracy. “Therefore, communist cultural “fighters” must strive to infiltrate public media, mass non-governmental organisations, and educational institutions to propagate their revolutionary theory, strengthen revolutionary class consciousness, and encourage committed activity towards a future complete transformation of human society. The area of this cultural struggle is not the “political society” of state authority institutions but the “civil society” of cultural and all other life.” According to Gramsci, without victory in this “positional” cultural war, which means the takeover of moral and intellectual leadership in civil society (cultural hegemony), it is impossible to achieve victory in the “offensive war” in the actual revolutionary confrontation on the real battlefield, where it is about taking over all forms of actual power.


In our Slovenia, the communists established cultural hegemony with the help of the bloody communist revolution and post-war killings. In the West, in this specific case in France, they did so with the help of a “march through the institutions”, as Gramsci would say. Thus, after the victory of the patriotic National Assembly (RN) in the first round of parliamentary elections, they succeeded in demonising the “extreme right” so strongly in the public space before the second round that cooperation occurred between the extreme left, Islamists, and Macronists. Consequently, Marine Le Pen’s party, despite receiving by far the most votes (and due to the two-round electoral system), ended up in third place with 143 deputies, behind the leftist New People’s Front (NFP), which supposedly received around 180 deputies in the 577-member parliament, and President Emmanuel Macron’s Centrist Alliance, which supposedly had just under 170 deputies. In a way, what Michel Houellebecq predicted in his 2015 novel Submission has already happened, only in his critical satire the representatives of the centre-right and socialists preferred to support the candidate of the Muslim Brotherhood over the candidate of the right-wing National Front of France. And as shown by the Sunday evening events in Paris, this has practically already happened. Together, extreme leftists, Islamists, and quasi-liberals celebrated and rampaged through the streets of Paris. In short, we are witnessing a destructive alliance against French patriots. Against indigenous Europe, founded on Christian civilisation.


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