
Newspapers with the name Demokracija have quite a long tradition in the Slovenian media space. Slovene Social Society published Demokracija as a socialist magazine during the years 1918–1919. A weekly journal by the same name was coming out in Gorica during the years 1947–1961 and 1968–1972, as a newsletter of the Slovene Democratic Union and of the Slovene and Croatian Christian Socialist Association.

During 1989–1991, the years of the democratic changes in Slovenia, an independent journal called Demokracija was published, first as a bulletin of the Slovenian Democratic Union and later, as a herald of the Democratic Opposition of Slovenia-DEMOS. It was the first real oppositional and political journal in Slovenia published after 1945 and had an important role when DEMOS Coalition won the 1990  Slovenian parliamentary election.

The first number of the current Slovenian political weekly Demokracija was first issued as a journal on 5th of September 1996. In spite of the bad financial situation and the small editorial team, coming from a defunct newspaper Slovenec, its clear, consistent and critical editorial policy gradually gained the aforementioned journal a respectable place. It was recognised and promoted by the public  as a weekly journal of the Slovenian Spring.

In August 2000, Demokracija received a new visual design and was being published as a weekly periodical. Nowadays, it is a renowned political magazine with a journalistic team that is improving itself in quality. Its popularity is on the rise, a fact that the other media admit as well. One of them has just recently stated, that Demokracija »became …  an important factor of the Slovene media market«.

The address of the editorial office: DEMOKRACIJA, Štihova ulica 7, 1000 Ljubljana.

Editor-in-chief: Metod Berlec

Telephone number of the Administration Office: 01/24 47 200

Telephone number of the Editorial Office: 01/24 47 205

E-mail: [email protected]

IBAN: SI56 0430 2000 2879 817, Nova KBM d.d.