By: Nova24tv
The companies Nova hiša d.o.o. and d.d. have reached an out-of-court settlement with the President of the Republic of Slovenia, Nataša Pirc Musar. In accordance with the terms of the settlement, we are publishing the following statement, which refers to a statement made by the President of the Republic in an interview with the web portal on the 23rd of July, 2022.
The title of the interview was: Nataša Pirc Musar on Klakočar Zupančič: She was a bit naïve going into this political story #video (in Slovenian: “Nataša Pirc Musar o Klakočar Zupančičevi: Malce naivno je šla v to politično zgodbo #video”).
“I, Nataša Pirc Musar, would like to retract the statement made in an interview with on the 23rd of July 2022 that Nova24TV engages in the practice of buying media peace and accepting payments for media attacks on those who think differently from them. This was purely my personal opinion, for which I apologise to Nova24TV.”