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Monday, May 6, 2024

For current leftists, Orwell would be an apprentice

By: Branko Grims

The writer George Orwell described in an artistic way the essence of the false names of socialism: the lie was called “truth”, the war, of course, “peace”; the ingenuity of the “socialist struggle for equality” was brilliantly described in the novella Animal Farm: “All animals are equal, only some (socialist pigs) are more equal than others …!”. The ingenious prediction is based on this falsity of leftist notions: “The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists!”. Its reality is best confirmed by the fact that leftists are willing to invest endless time and energy in claiming that “there is no evidence that Churchill personally said this.” As if who the real author is would change the genius and reality of this old prophecy. Which is confirmed over and over again. Also in Slovenia.

The left dog hunts its fascist tail

Remember how leftists applauded and pounded on the tables in the National Assembly and shouted that they “stand behind every word” when I read Adolf Hitler’s May Day address to them – without, of course, telling them who the author of the address was – because they were 100% sure it was theirs! The unsuspecting left “spitzen candidate” Violeta, in front of the camera, all excited rushed to sign the Fascist Manifesto… Just look at the videos on the Internet and laugh to tears!

All this is possible only because international socialism (socialism), national socialism (Nazism) and its corporate derivative fascism have a common foundation in the ideas of Karl Marx. This is the first and basic thing that every child should know about totalitarian systems, but they do not learn this in the whole schooling…! To bombard someone with fascist was invented by Stalin after Hitler betrayed their common pact and attacked him; because slandering the adversary with the National Socialists would be too understandable and could open someone’s eyes. That the “same” collided with each other. Prior to that, the Socialist International’s bulletin celebrated the Axis Pact (a union of socialists, Nazis and fascists) as “proof of the excellent cooperation of the socialists on the road to world victory”! Therefore, in reality, all the Socialists’ reference to anti-fascism is a single endless propaganda ignorance and justification of their own crimes in retrospect, and of all possible privileges and violence in the future. As always, leftists are all about power and money. They want your hard earned money – for themselves!

Unacceptable excuse for violence

Modern leftists use the “fight against fascism” and “fascism” as a curse so broadly today that for them being normal is considered – fascist. You respect Slovenia and Slovenian culture and tradition, you reject the ideological LGBT+ indoctrination of children in schools, you live from your work… so you are a fascist.

However, when a leftist declares himself an anti-fascist, it seems completely self-evident that on this basis he has an “inalienable right” to state housing, money and privileges until death and after… As well as to police, legal and judicial protection of all these privileges and when this is not enough, then self-proclaimed anti-fascism gives him an unlimited right to take what he wants with violence! Gathered under flags with a red star and Antifa insignia, criminals, workaholics and bullies of all kinds broke through Ljubljana, even with reinforcements from abroad. Street violence is a method of left-wing fascism – the only one that actually exists in the modern world.

That is why it is necessary to take the predictions of the leftists from KUL and Golob about the persecution of “fascism” even more seriously! The fact that Milan Kučan in Dražgoše also uses these Orwellian terms only confirms that it is true. Leftists are obviously in a panic and a beast pressed in a corner is the most aggressive. Predictions of purges, liquidations, violence… keep on coming from the left. Bandelli just said out loud what the leftists are really up to.

Government coalition for a safe Slovenia, prosperity and development

The opposition has no serious common programme and is clearly united only by a sick hatred towards the SDS, the government, the coalition, everything developmentally successful, patriotic… in their Orwellian manner of “persecuting fascism”. You can bet that the owners of the most expensive vehicle fleet gathered in Dražgoše only agreed that they should do everything to defend socialism – namely, preventing the government coalition from increasing the salaries of employees by reducing taxes, because then the workers will find out that they do not need socialists at all!!

The SDS-led government coalition has proved by its actions that it can lead Slovenia extremely well even in the most difficult conditions, and today it is clearly a defender of security, prosperity and development. It is therefore the only defender of normalcy for the Slovenian nation at this fateful moment. There is no better realistic alternative today! That is why it deserves all the support in the upcoming elections! As Dr Jože Pučnik said: “Now it is about Slovenia!”

Branko Grims is a long-time member of the SDS party in the National Assembly, a geologist and political scientist.


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