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Friday, September 20, 2024

Alpinist, vacuum researcher, friend Jože Gasperič

We describe the work and merits of Jože Gasperič in the field of vacuum techniques and in organizing DVTS in international connections. Dušan Lasič was a great Alpinist and passed his passion to his IEVT collaborators including Jože Gasperič.

On the autumn day on 20-22 October 1960, the Slovenian vacuum technique section of Electrotechnical society (EDS) under Dušan Lasič’s supervision organized the first Yugoslavian meeting about vacuum technique with over hundred participants who read forty-eight expert reports to establish Yugoslavian center for vacuum technique (JCVT) with its seat in Ljubljana, transformed into Yugoslavian committee for vacuum technique (JUVAK) on January 26, 1963, on 29th October 1979 renamed into the Union of vacuum societies of Yugoslavia under the presidency of Jože Gasperič still with its old popular name JUVAK. That was a great beginning of future successes. On 16th October 1972 the Slovenian vacuum technique section of Electrotechnical society (EDS) became an independent society inside EDS. On 22. 1. 1977 it got a present name Society for Vacuum Technique of Slovenia (DVTS) which was formally registered next year on 29th September 1978.

Upon returning from his two-year stay in India at the thin films department of the University of Sri Venkateswara, Tirupati, and at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore in 1986-1987, the professor dr. Jože Gasperič (1932-2019) was employed in Blinc’s department in 1987/88. Blinc used the skills of his several months older classmate from a classical gymnasium in Ljubljana, professor dr. Jože Gasperič, the leading Slovenian expert in vacuum technology. Thus, the advancement of modern vacuum techniques in the solid matter research section gained momentum, and as a collaborator of Blinc’s laboratories, Gasperič became exceptionally well established as the organizer of the DVTS activity.

On 29th September 1981 Society for Vacuum Technique of Slovenia (DVTS) began to publish its journal “Vakuumist” which gradually became an expert journal under the editorship of Andrej Pregelj, Peter Panjan and Miha Čekada. As the editorial board member Jože Gasperič stated in his 1999 Vakuumist paper and on 2016 meeting of the editing board that the journal is that basic glue which keeps the society afloat.


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